Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

*Click* Expansion Series

For your final series of works for Photo 2, I'd like you to revisit the *Click* assignments you completed this year, and choose one assignment that you enjoyed more than any other. Consider how you initially solved this problem, how other students solved this problem, and how you can approach this problem in a new way.

Problem: Create a series of three photographic works that explore a click theme in a unique and engaging way.

-Your series must include a silver gelatin print, an alternative process print, and a digitally based work.
-You may combine processes if you'd like, but you must demonstrate one of each and have a minimum of three works.
-You may create more than three works.
-You must shoot at least one roll of black and white film, and at least 24 digital exposures.
-Your final works should be at least 8x10" or larger.

Click Assignments:

double exposure


opposite composite






photo text




Step 1: Research and brainstorm. In your sketchbook, write the definition for the word and identify what it means to you personally. Choose your three favorite student examples from this assignment and either print & glue/sketch them in your sketchbook. Lastly, brainstorm/sketch out at least two different ideas for how you'd like to explore this theme in a new way. DUE: Friday, June 4th

Step 2: Shoot, make a contact print for your B&W and digital exposures. DUE: Wednesday, June 9th

Step 3: Create your three works for critique, consider how you'd like to present them (narrative, diptychs, panoramas, collage, etc.) Scan and upload your non-digital works along with your digital to your Flickr page for a CRITIQUE on Wednesday, June 16th

Have fun!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Photo Sculpture (Juniors only)

Problem: Using a sculptural element, modify the presentation of a photographic image in order to represent its subject matter or formal qualities in a new and interesting way.

Considerations: How might the subject matter influence your sculptural element? Or, how might the photo fit to the form of a sculptural element of your choice?

Grading Criteria:
-Your sculptural element must be well executed, and demonstrate clean and careful use of studio tools (scissors, glue, matte-board, etc.)

-It should also demonstrate well-executed studio techniques including cutting, folding, and gluing.

-The design of your sculpture should show a visual connection between the form and the subject matter of the image.

Because of time constraints, this assignment will no longer be required for seniors. Juniors will develop these works for critique on Tuesday, June 1st.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Independent Series

Final Independent Series Presentations will take place on Monday and Tuesday, May 24th and 25th for seniors. Please have the following ready to submit the day of your presentation:

- contact sheets, (uploaded or printed)
- final prints, (uploaded or printed),
- self-evaluation, reflection questions (on Flickr), and exit survey (seniors only)

Presentation/Critique Schedule:

Tuesday, May 25th:
Katie B.
Collin M.
ReneƩ H.
Matt H.
Kathleen H.
Norma F.
Jennifer L.
(click #13 finale)

Wednesday, May 26th:
Zoe B.
Chloe B.
Megan B.
Matt D.
Lisa G.
Kelly J.

Thursday, May 27th:
Sunny K.
Becky L.
Heather M.
Becky S.
Nicole V.
Alex Z.

Thursday, April 15, 2010