Monday, November 16, 2009

Photo-Letter Composites

Using Photoshop, combine a black and white photograph with a letter form to create two elegant photo-letter composites. Here are the parameters for this assignment:

1) Your composite must conform to the dimensions of 14x14" with the image and the letter form each being 7x7" Your final print resolution should be 300 dpi.

2) Your final design must use a pre-existing typeface, serif or san-serif. If you decide to use a more expressive or hand-drawn typeface, get approval from me first.

Tips for Success:
1) Cropping is key! Your compositions will be square, so you must crop your image carefully.
2) You may edit or alter the typeface in your design, but make sure it's consistent. Use the transform commands in Photoshop to make changes to the letters appearance.
3) Make the connection as seamless as possible, use your sketchbook as inspiration for your ideas.
4) Choose an appropriate typeface. The letter is half of the design, so the kind of typeface you use must integrate well with your image!
5) When finished, save a psd. file (with layers unflattened) and a jpg (w/layers flattened) Upload the jpg to the Flickr discussion pool to turn in.

Final design due on Flickr group pool by: Wed. 12/9

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