Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Expressive Text

Work by Stefan Sagmeister

Graphic designers and photographers often work together when creating designs that combine typography, image, and concept. For your next text/image design assignment, you will play the role of both the designer and photographer again, while applying some of your skills you developed in the the Photo-Letter assignment.

Problem: Create an "expressive text" design that combines one word and a digital photo to convey the meaning of that word in an interesting way. Your design should:

1) Use a photograph that you took yourself, no borrowed images from the internet!
2) You may use Photoshop to insert the text, or create the word somehow with the actual subject matter itself, (be creative!)
3) The word should be clearly legible in the design and be easy to read.
4) Consider a unique presentation format for your design, like creating a magazine cover, billboard, or advertisement!

Step 1: After selecting a word, create 5-6 thumbnail sketches that illustrate different ways you can solve this problem. DUE: Friday, 1/8

Step 2: After choosing a final sketch after a small-group critique, shoot the equivalent of one roll of film with you digital camera, (24 or more exposures). Explore different points-of-view, use of selective focus, cropping, and lighting scenarios. You may photograph any subject based upon your idea, but it will need to be elegantly merged with our word, or it might become the word itself! Digital contact sheet uploaded to Flickr pool: Tuesday, 1/12

Step 3: After shooting, use your sketchbook and Photoshop to create your final "expressive text" work. Keep in mind that you have lots of presentation options for this assignment, it could appear as a magazine or book cover, it could look like an advertisement, or even just like a work of art. Upload final "Expressive Text" work by: Mon, 1/18

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