Monday, March 8, 2010

More Exhibition Opportunities!

Distinguished Scholar in the Arts- Open to juniors only, the Distinguished Scholar in the arts competition is for juniors who have a GPA of 3.7 or higher, and are willing to talk about their work in front of a panel of judges. Reservoir will choose 5 nominees, including candidates from drama, music and dance. Last year 3 of the 5 nominees were in the visual arts, and 2 of them were Photo students! Sign up in class and see me for more information. You need to sign up by Friday, March 12th

Congressional Show- Open to juniors and seniors, the art department will choose 8 works (combined from both art and photo) to nominate for the 2010 Congressional Art awards. Images must be submitted in the Flickr group pool, clearly labeled as "Congressional Art." Choose works that demonstrate elegant composition, and are more conservative in subject matter. If you're submitting work, please respond to the Flickr discussion here, and then post the work on the group pool by Friday, March 19th.

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