Tuesday, September 22, 2009

*Click* Winner for "Pattern:" Becky Lamich

2,3,5, Pattern!
"This is a really cool lamp I have in my room. Each time you click it a different set of lights comes on. First 2 of them come on, then 3, and then all 5. Then it turns off and starts all over again. A pattern!"
-Becky Lamich

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Activator

Photo by Gabriel Orozco.

Be an Activator.
For your second shooting assignment, I want you to think in a completely different way as a photographer. Revisit the far-away little kid in you, and think back to a world where anything was possible, it just required a little imagination.

Activators are photographers who intentionally alter, manipulate, crop & compose, and change their subject in an active way in order to change our perception, or make us stop and wonder. Look at the slideshow below, (we'll do this in class too), and choose at least three photographers whose style and imagination you like. Take a look at the assignment sheet as well, and follow the directions for the sketchbook assignment. Spend the weekend researching and printing out photographers whose work you really like, and bring your images to class!

We'll talk about and share ideas to start the week next week. Keep your mind open, this assignment will redefine what you might think a photograph can be!

The Activator Assignment 09-10 height="500" width="100%" > value="http://d.scribd.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=19895170&access_key=key-196vsl9e011twf0as8lz&page=1&version=1&viewMode=">

Activator Assessment 09-10

Sunday, September 13, 2009

*Click* A Bi-Weekly Digital Photo Contest!

Photo by Doug Aitken


A Digital Photography Contest

To celebrate the ease and enjoyment of digital photography, (not to mention the amazing things one can do with a digital image), I'm introducing *Click*, a digital photo contest. Every other week, a new *Click* challenge will be revealed and posted here on the class blog. Some of these assignments are completely open to your interpretation, while others are very literal, and require you to follow directions. We will occasionally have a class critique where we will vote on one work as a "Best in show." Each "Best in show" winner will get their winning photograph printed at a large scale, and will have the option of having their work exhibited in a frame as part of the quarterly Photo Gallery outside of the front office!

*A student may not receive the "Best in Show" award more than twice during the course of the school year.

Each entry will be worth a 20 point homework grade, and will be graded according to the following criteria:

Objective/Concept: To what degree do you solve the problem? To what extent do you creatively solve it as an independent thinker? Did you solve it out of convenience, or did you take time to think of a good idea, plan, and then execute it well? Did you think of the problem literally, or did you personalize it and come up with a personal, meaningful response?

Design: How elegantly do you employ a photographic principle of composition, or use a principle of design in your work?

Camera Exposure: How well do you consider and employ proper exposure settings on your camera when taking this picture? Did you use the correct white-balance setting? Is the exposure clean and clear? Well focused?

Presentation: Did you make any necessary adjustments on Photoshop to adjust color or clarity? Is it cropped correctly? Did you upload it to the Flickr pool at the proper image resolution and by the corresponding due date?

Each photo must be posted to the RHS Advanced Photo group pool by 12:00 PM the Sunday evening before the due date to be considered on time, and to be eligible for a "Best in Show" award.

Each photo must be posted at a minimum resolution of 72 dpi or 800x1200 pixels.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

As a photographer, I believe...

As a photographer, you make many decisions. You decide what to photograph, how to compose it with your camera, and which images to print. You make these decisions according to your personal aesthetic viewpoint, (what visually attracts you as an artist). See if you can put into words what you enjoy most about photography...

In your sketchbook, use two pages to explain and describe what you believe about photography. Your entry should somehow respond to the following questions:

1) In your own opinion, identify what makes a photograph successful? Be specific, form a strong, informed opinion and explain why! (Also, find 3-4 master examples that illustrate your opinions using the links below, and glue them into your sketchbook).

2) Identify and explain the subject that you enjoy photographing the most. Try to be as specific as possible! (i.e. "people" is not specific!) Look back at your old work, sketch, draw, collage to illustrate your fascination.

Your entry needs to use the entire space of two facing pages in your sketchbook. Design your pages, include both text and image. Make it legible and clear to read. Complete this assignment by Wed. Sept. 15th!

Use links below to help you find examples of master photographer works:

Photography NOW

Masters of Photography

ProFotos-Photography Masters


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Show Me How You Shoot!

In order for you to truly remember how you behave as a photographer, it's time to shoot a new roll of film.  This is a pre-instructional assignment, I want to see what you enjoy taking pictures of, and how you choose to take them completely on your own.  If you shot black and white film over the summer, you may choose one of these summer rolls to use for this assignment! (As a reward for keeping in such good form over the summer!)

Problem:  Shoot one roll of film (24 exposures minimum, b&w only) that demonstrates how you approach your choice of subject matter with a camera.  Choose only one subject to focus on, and concentrate on your style of approaching this subject by considering the following criteria which will guide our critique of your work:

1) How do you employ compositional strategies like cropping, using the edges of the frame, or filling the frame?

2) How do you use light and shadow?

3) How do you use technical adjustments like focus, depth of field, or shutter speed?

4) How do you employ a point of view?

This will be a 100 point grade made up of the three following components:

-Two 8x10" prints

-Contact sheet and negatives

-Self evaluation questions completed with group (see page below)

You should aim to have your film processed, and a contact sheet completed by this coming Thurs. 9/10!


Read this document on Scribd: Show Me How You Shoot critique sheet

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Learning to Love You More/Images of Summer

Okay, school has officially started, but that doesn't mean we have to stop having fun! I know many of you took a lot of pictures over the summer and can't wait to show 'em off, so let's get our online portfolios off and running.

First, join the new Flickr group for Photo 2 by clicking the link on the right. (If you don't have a flickr account, click here for directions on how to set one up.  To make sure you're in, I'd like you to leave a brief statement about your goals for this year and tell me a little bit about them on the Discussion page. Post this goal by next Tuesday, 9/8.

Second, be a curator and choose 6-8 pictures taken over the summer that you're most proud of. (If you didn't shoot anything over the summer, than you have a little work to do over the weekend-see below). Create a new set/tag for these photos, and be prepared to share your work starting next Wed. 9/9.

Lastly, take a look at the artist Miranda July's blog "Learning to Love You More" at the link here.  July is an artist who believes that people have a moral obligation to have a deeper, more meaningful understanding of themselves and their surroundings.  She created this blog as a way for anyone to give him or herself an assignment that would encourage this deeper understanding. Choose 3 of the assignments from the list below to complete by carefully following July's instructions, (if you didn't upload any summer photos, you need to complete 5 of them!) Post your results to Flickr by Wed. 9/9, and include any important written commentary in the comment section that helps explain your solution!  Have fun!


Clockwise from top to center: Julie Ogden, Liz Rench, Wenjei Cheng, Lauren G, Sarah Reid