Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Show Me How You Shoot!

In order for you to truly remember how you behave as a photographer, it's time to shoot a new roll of film.  This is a pre-instructional assignment, I want to see what you enjoy taking pictures of, and how you choose to take them completely on your own.  If you shot black and white film over the summer, you may choose one of these summer rolls to use for this assignment! (As a reward for keeping in such good form over the summer!)

Problem:  Shoot one roll of film (24 exposures minimum, b&w only) that demonstrates how you approach your choice of subject matter with a camera.  Choose only one subject to focus on, and concentrate on your style of approaching this subject by considering the following criteria which will guide our critique of your work:

1) How do you employ compositional strategies like cropping, using the edges of the frame, or filling the frame?

2) How do you use light and shadow?

3) How do you use technical adjustments like focus, depth of field, or shutter speed?

4) How do you employ a point of view?

This will be a 100 point grade made up of the three following components:

-Two 8x10" prints

-Contact sheet and negatives

-Self evaluation questions completed with group (see page below)

You should aim to have your film processed, and a contact sheet completed by this coming Thurs. 9/10!


Read this document on Scribd: Show Me How You Shoot critique sheet

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