Friday, September 18, 2009

The Activator

Photo by Gabriel Orozco.

Be an Activator.
For your second shooting assignment, I want you to think in a completely different way as a photographer. Revisit the far-away little kid in you, and think back to a world where anything was possible, it just required a little imagination.

Activators are photographers who intentionally alter, manipulate, crop & compose, and change their subject in an active way in order to change our perception, or make us stop and wonder. Look at the slideshow below, (we'll do this in class too), and choose at least three photographers whose style and imagination you like. Take a look at the assignment sheet as well, and follow the directions for the sketchbook assignment. Spend the weekend researching and printing out photographers whose work you really like, and bring your images to class!

We'll talk about and share ideas to start the week next week. Keep your mind open, this assignment will redefine what you might think a photograph can be!

The Activator Assignment 09-10 height="500" width="100%" > value="">

Activator Assessment 09-10

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