Thursday, October 22, 2009

Colleges visiting RHS art department!

Mr. Bill Chenaille, Director of Outreach at the The Center for Digital Imaging Arts at Boston University will be here 5th period on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd to present information about an exciting new program being run through Boston University that focuses on photography, digital film-making, web design, and many other photo-based majors. The campus is in Washington D.C., so for those of you thinking about going to school close to home, this could be a good match.

Also, on Friday, Nov. 13th, a representative from the Savannah College of Art & Design, (SCAD) will be visiting the art department during 5th and 6th period for a special presentation on the school. SCAD offers majors in photography, fashion design, and many other fine arts majors.

Although not confirmed, both representatives may have time for brief, informal portfolio reviews to give you great feedback about developing and improving your portfolio to become more competitive for college applications and scholarship. This could be an awesome opportunity to present your work and make a connection at a great photo program! See me for more information if you're interested!

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