Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Slow Speed Film & Photography (ISO 50)

While you're creating your high-speed film prints, take a nice deep breath and s-l-o-o-w-w-w down. It's time to see what very slow black and white film can do, like ISO 50 for example.

After loading your Rollei 50 speed film and changing the ISO film-speed setting on your camera, think about a unique place you'd like to go and visit. This place doesn't have to be exotic, but should be one-of-a-kind, have personality, and character. It should be outside in the landscape, (slow speed film needs lots of light because it has lots of very small silver halide crystals), so indoor exposures will require very large apertures and slow shutter speeds.

Go to this place and capture it's essence. Use half your film to show the actual place, and all the things that "live" there. Shoot the other half of your roll to document the people, or person, that lives there. If no one lives there, go with a friend and "pretend" that this person lives there! See the assignment sheet below for specific requirements!

Slow Speed (ISO 50) Film

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